The Standards Division, in accordance with the Standards Act No 8 of 2008, is mandated to develop, promote and maintain South African National Standards (SANS) in accordance with SANS 1-1:2012, Standard for standards Part 1: The development of South African National standards.
Put simply, a standard is an agreed, repeatable way of doing something. It is a published document that contains a technical specification, or other precise criteria, designed to be used consistently as a rule, guideline or definition. Standards help to make life simpler and increase the reliability and effectiveness of many of the goods and services we use. Standards are created by bringing together the experience and expertise of all interested parties, such as the producers, sellers, buyers, users and regulators of a particular material, product, process or service.
Standards have become such integral components of our economic, social and legal systems that they are frequently taken for granted and their crucial role in a modern society is often not recognised. The SABS Standards Division has more than sixty years of experience in its core function, namely, developing national standards and maximising the benefits of international standards through adoptions, which enhances the competitiveness of the South African industry and advances international trade.
In South Africa, our standards enhance competitiveness and provide the basis for consumer protection, health and safety.